Women in Architecture Committee (WiA)
The Women in Architecture (WiA) subcommittee of the AIA El Paso, is a group aimed to frame the conversation around the promotion of BIPOC and women leaders within the design and building profession through mentorship, education, and networking.
Stephanie Barrios-Urrieta, sburrieta@gmail.com
Adreanna Sepulveda, iasepulv7@gmail.com
WiA El Paso Scholarship in Memory of Mabel Welch
The AIA El Paso Women in Architecture Scholarship, will support a female architecture student in financial need from the El Paso area. Students from our region often face unique challenges. Many are first generation college students, come from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, or traverse our international border daily to attend class.
The scholarship is in memory of Mabel Clair Vanderburg Welch (1890) to honor her legacy as a woman, mother, wife, and pioneer. She distinguished herself as the first registered woman architect in El Paso and as the second in the state of Texas. In 1959, in recognition of her long and distinguished career, Welch became a Fellow in the Society of American Registered Architects. The mission for this scholarship is to promote a more equitable, prosperous, and diverse profession within the El Paso community
Thank you for the consideration and we hope that you will agree that your investment will benefit efforts our local chapter is making in the community.
Sponsor Scholarship Click Here
Women in Architecture supports our local communities through:
Participating volunteer opportunities
Strengthening relationships with community leaders through skilled training workshops on home repair
Mentorship of women students and emerging professionals in the El Paso community through activities such as resume and portfolio reviews, professional headshots, and software training
Educational outreach of local schools such as the Young Womenβs STEAM Research and Preparatory Academy, EPCC, and Texas Tech
Support group on mental wellness
Annual WiA Speed Mentoring - Roundtable
Aim to positively influence women in the AEC industry
ALL are welcome! *AIA membership not required to join and get involved.