Dear Colleagues,
Holiday greetings! During this magical time of the year, I hope that prosperity and happiness enters your businesses and homes! It’s been a memorable year for the AIA El Paso Chapter, full of accomplishments, we:
•Completed the grueling application process for Chapter accreditation
•Received a 3 year Chapter accreditation from AIA National!
•Filled positions for Executive Director and Associates Director
•Reinstated Chapter Committees
•Began ‘Donuts & Design’ to provide additional CEU’s
•Had representation at the Grassroots, National and State Conventions
•United to represent our profession prior to YISD bond
•Had great sponsors and CEU presentations at our monthly meetings
•Have valuable relationships with our Professional Affiliates
•Updated our new website and included social media outlets
•Sponsored various architectural educational events
•Collaborated with various entities for Archtober events
•Planned a successful golf tournament to assist the EPAF in providing architectural scholarships
•Organized a Chapter Banquet. Congratulations to the three firms who received design awards.
•Began collaboration dialogue with TTU El Paso and UACJ AIAS Chapters
•Completed the Strategic Plan for 2017-2019 (the last one was done in 2008!)
I’m very proud to have been a part of these achievements! It’s been a pleasure being President and being a part of the Executive Committee for the last six years. It’s been a privilege to have worked with some great architects who are dedicated and do a fantastic job representing our profession. While being out during my two back surgeries this year, Rene Melendez has already gotten his feet wet as President and has proved that he will do great with this role. I have confidence that next year Rene, along with the Executive Committee will be dedicated to our Chapter, their efforts will bring great success and growth to our Chapter.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Sending you best wishes for a fantastic 2017!
Madam President signing off ...
Mary J Stills, AIA
2016 Chapter President