
Newsletter | September 2015

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September was a great month for our El Paso Chapter AIA.  We have successfully hosted another great AIA Golf Tourney; one which has garnered over $19,000 in dividends for the El Paso Architectural Foundation to use for local scholarships.  Earlier this month, chapter representatives (too many to list)  met with outsourced city consultants to discuss areas of Improvements relative to he City Engineering Department, and the Capital Programs they oversee.  The dialogue, hopefully, should enable the city to understand that, which the myriad of issues facing municipal projects, qualified design professionals are ideally suited to facilitate such important functions.  On Saturday, KTEP hosted myself, Rene Melendez, and Bruno Vazquez on their weekly “State of the Arts” Program.  Emphasis during this radio show was on “Archtober” and the positive impact architecture plays in our society.  The program was viewed so positively by the radio staff, that we were invited back , after our Design Awards Ceremony, to discuss the winners and further our discussion on the value of Architecture.

 Please participate by volunteering during the many scheduled events during “Archtober”.  Refer to the attachment in the newsletter which highlights the many events which are in need of our support through participation during the month in which we embrace all things architecture!

 Have you checked our newly rebooted website, www., yet?  Global changes to this important site have been implemented, resulting in a dynamic forum to laud our achievements and provide our chapter, as well as the public,  with information vital to our profession.  Your officers continue to cultivate content and will keep the website fresh and updated; strong kudos to all of them who have contributed greatly to this to this important effort. I am humbled to have such a dedicated team to work with!

Lastly, I continue to encourage our membership to attend the this year’s upcoming TxA Convention on November 5-7 in Dallas, Texas.  It’s a great opportunity to network with colleagues, obtain some coveted CEUs, and partake in the many slated events.

It’s a great time to be an architect!

Jim Booher, AIA