Professional Practice

Historic Preservation Specialist Providencia Velazquez

Providencia Velazquez

Historic Preservation Officer at the City of El Paso

This month we introduce Providencia Velazquez, a Historic Preservation Officer at the City of El Paso and a professor at Texas Tech University Huckabee College of Architecture in El Paso. Providencia holds a Master of Science in Historic Preservation from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies from the University of Pennsylvania.


Growing up in NYC, her interest in architecture began early. She describes the city as a laboratory for new architecture, as well as a leader in preservation with examples everywhere. Her passion for architecture further evolved into an interest in being environmentally conscious.  

“the greenest building is the one that has already been built.”

In her career, she aims to properly define what preservation is, what it is not, and how it can be used as a means of economic growth and development. Her work aspires to enlighten residents regarding their architectural patrimony and reinforce a sense of civic pride through the city’s architectural identity.


During her time in Miami, she was inspired by the many women architects, planners, realtors, professionals, and business owners she was fortunate to meet. She is continuously encouraged by all the professional women she was privileged to know and work alongside.


To combat the challenges of being heard and listened to as a woman in the field of architecture, she deploys knowledge and fact-based artillery such as providing additional research when necessary.