Newsletter | April 2016

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I was pleased to see a lot of architects and students at the Thom Mayne lecture. His words were very inspiring, his projects utterly eccentric, and his message about architecture was authentic. Thanks to Emmanuel Moreno and the EPCC Architectural Society from hosting such a dynamic architect.

I am very happy to announce that our Chapter has a new Associates Director and a new Executive Director. Marcella Attolini will serve as Associates Director and Madeleine Sara will be the Executive Director. Both ladies met the qualifications for these positions, they are both Associate Members of the Chapter and are eager to assist in the Chapters endeavors. In case you weren’t aware, the Executive Director position had been vacant for 3 years, so we are elated to have Madeline fill that role. Welcome Marcella and Madeleine to the Executive Committee!

We are pleased to announce a new program: “Donuts and Design”, intended to provide additional CEU’s for you, our Chapter members. Rene Melendez has been hard at work coordinating the programs and locations. He will soon give us details on proposed dates and morning times for these continuing education opportunities.

Our Chapter Committees are busy at work! There is still opportunity for you to join in and make a difference on our: Awareness & Advocacy, Fellowship, El Paso Chapter History, Golf Tournament, Archtober, Design Awards & Banquet, and Membership committees. Armando Jimarez and Eugenio Mesta from our Awareness & Advocacy Committee, represented our Chapter at the 2 day City’s Civic Design Lab workshop. We appreciate your time and commitment.

Next month on May 19th-21st is the National AIA Convention in Philadelphia. Voting for new candidates for National office will take place at the Convention. Please let me know if you will be attending the convention, we need 6 delegates to vote on behalf of our Chapter.

A quick update on our Chapter Accreditation. National AIA provided some comments regarding our application submittal from February. They required some additional information and documents were submitted by the new deadline, which was April 12th.

Because of all the hard work that many of our members are doing, we were able to fulfill many of the core service requirements. We will find out soon if our Chapter gets accredited for 1 year or 3 years, stay tuned.

Please continue to promote our profession by keeping your work inspiring and authentic.   

Best Regards,

Mary Stills, AIA, CNU-A

AIA El Paso Chapter President