Newsletter | June 2016

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Dear Colleagues,

I hope this newsletter finds your well. It is with great sadness that I write this month’s Presidents letter just learning of the passing of Mr. Linsday Holt. In our industry there are so many pieces that need to fit together to complete a project successfully. As architects, we call on so many people to collaborate with and assure that we are doing everything possible to select and specify quality equipment and materials. Calling on Lindsay for his assistance was always a positive experience. He was a very intelligent, caring and supportive individual.

I want to thank every single professional affiliate, product representative, client, consultant, and contractor who are part of our team. Your hard work and dedication assists us in having a fulfilling profession.

Our deepest condolences to the Holt family. A sympathy bouquet and card have been sent on behalf of our Chapter to let them know how much we appreciated Lindsay and how much he will be missed. I look forward to seeing all of you at the June Chapter meeting.

Mary Stills, AIA 2016 AIA El Paso Chapter President